Crafting Better Reading Skills: Examining Craft and Structure in Literature

Crafting Better Reading Skills: Examining Craft and Structure in Literature

Discover what craft and structure mean in reading. Learn how authors use literary elements to create meaning and enhance storytelling.

Reading is not only about understanding the words on a page, but also about analyzing the craft and structure of a piece of writing. Understanding these elements can help readers to comprehend the author's purpose and message more fully. But what exactly is craft and structure in reading? Craft refers to the techniques and literary devices an author uses to create a work of literature, while structure refers to the way the author organizes the content of the work.

Some common examples of craft in literature include figurative language, symbolism, and imagery. Authors may use these techniques to add depth and meaning to their writing, and to create a specific tone or mood. Structure, on the other hand, can refer to the overall organization of a text, as well as the smaller details like sentence length and paragraph breaks. By analyzing these elements, readers can gain a deeper understanding of how an author constructs their work and why they make certain choices.

Overall, understanding craft and structure in reading is essential for any reader who wants to truly engage with a piece of literature. By paying attention to these elements, readers can gain a better appreciation for the complexity and artistry of the written word.


Reading comprehension is an essential skill that all students must develop. It involves understanding the meaning of a text, including its purpose, structure, and language. One of the essential things that students need to learn when it comes to reading comprehension is the concept of craft and structure.


What is Craft?

The term craft in reading refers to the intentional choices that an author makes when writing a piece of literature. These choices include everything from the word choice and sentence structure to the use of literary devices like figurative language and symbolism.


Examples of Craft

Some examples of craft that an author might use include foreshadowing, imagery, characterization, and tone. Foreshadowing involves hinting at events that will happen later in the story. Imagery uses descriptive language to create a picture in the reader's mind. Characterization involves the creation of complex, believable characters. And tone refers to the emotional atmosphere of the story.


What is Structure?

The term structure in reading refers to the way that a text is organized. This includes everything from the overall organization of the story to the specific details like how paragraphs are structured and how sentences flow together.


Examples of Structure

Some examples of structure in a text include plot, setting, point of view, and dialogue. Plot refers to the events that happen in the story. Setting refers to the time and place where the story takes place. Point of view refers to the perspective from which the story is told. And dialogue refers to the conversations that characters have with each other.


How to Analyze Craft and Structure

To analyze the craft and structure of a text, students need to pay attention to the choices that the author has made and how those choices affect the meaning of the text. They should look for patterns in the language, imagery, and symbolism used by the author. They should also consider the organization of the text, paying attention to things like chapter breaks and transitions between paragraphs.


Why is Understanding Craft and Structure Important?

Understanding craft and structure is important because it helps students to understand the deeper meaning of a text and to become better critical thinkers. By analyzing the craft and structure of a text, students can gain a better understanding of how authors use language to convey their ideas and create meaning.


How to Teach Craft and Structure

Teachers can teach craft and structure by providing students with a variety of texts to read and analyze. They can help students to identify patterns in the language and structure of the text and encourage them to make connections between these patterns and the meaning of the text. Teachers can also provide students with graphic organizers and other tools to help them organize their thoughts and ideas as they analyze a text.



In conclusion, craft and structure are essential concepts in reading comprehension. Understanding these concepts helps students to analyze a text more deeply and to gain a better understanding of the author's intentions. By teaching students how to analyze craft and structure, teachers can help students to become better critical thinkers and more effective readers.


Understanding the Basics of Craft and Structure

Craft and structure are essential components of reading comprehension. Craft refers to the literary techniques and elements used by writers to create meaning in their works, while structure refers to how these elements are organized within a text. Understanding craft and structure is crucial for readers to fully comprehend and appreciate the texts they encounter, whether they are reading fiction, non-fiction, or anything in between.

Why Craft and Structure Matter

Without a solid grasp of craft and structure in reading, students may struggle to fully understand the messages and themes conveyed by a text. This can lead to frustration and disinterest, ultimately hindering their academic progress. By developing an understanding of craft and structure, students can engage more deeply with the texts they read and gain a greater appreciation for the artistry of literature.

Identifying Literary Devices

One key aspect of craft and structure is the use of literary devices. These devices, such as foreshadowing, imagery, tone, and symbolism, are used by writers to convey deeper meanings and themes to readers. Learning to identify and analyze these devices can help readers better understand the author's intentions and the underlying messages of a text.

Analyzing Textual Connections

Another important aspect of craft and structure is understanding how different parts of a text connect and relate to one another. Whether analyzing a novel, poem, or article, understanding these connections can help readers better grasp the overall message of a work. By looking at how different elements work together, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the author's intentions and the larger themes at play.

Recognizing Genre-Specific Techniques

Different genres of literature often rely on specific craft and structure techniques. For example, mystery novels may use plot twists to keep readers engaged, while poetry often utilizes rhyme schemes to create a musical quality. Understanding these genre-specific techniques can help readers appreciate and enjoy different forms of literature, as well as gain a deeper understanding of how writers use craft and structure to create meaning.

The Role of Context

Context can also play a major role in understanding craft and structure. Historical context, authorial intent, and literary traditions can all influence how a writer approaches and utilizes craft and structure in their work. By considering these contextual factors, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the meaning and messages conveyed by a text.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

As students learn to analyze craft and structure in reading, they also develop critical thinking skills that can be applied to other areas of learning and life. These skills help students become more thoughtful and analytical readers and thinkers, enabling them to engage more deeply with the world around them.

The Connection Between Craft and Structure and Writing

Understanding craft and structure can also help students become better writers. By analyzing how other writers use literary techniques and elements to create meaning, students can learn from these examples and apply them to their own writing. This can lead to improved writing skills and a greater appreciation for the artistry of language.

Tips for Teaching Craft and Structure

Effective instruction on craft and structure involves a range of activities and strategies, such as close reading exercises, literary analysis, and collaborative group work. Teachers can also provide scaffolding and support to help struggling readers develop these skills. By creating a supportive and engaging classroom environment, teachers can help students develop the critical thinking skills necessary for success in reading and beyond.

The Endless Possibilities of Craft and Structure

Finally, it's important to remember that the possibilities of craft and structure in reading are endless. With each new text that students encounter, they have the opportunity to explore new literary techniques and elements and deepen their understanding of this critical aspect of reading comprehension. By embracing the endless possibilities of craft and structure, readers can gain a deeper appreciation for the artistry and power of language.

Point of View: What Is Craft And Structure In Reading Creative Voice And Tone

As an AI language model, I do not have emotions or personal opinions, but here is an objective explanation of the concept of craft and structure in reading creative voice and tone.


  1. The craft of writing refers to the deliberate and intentional use of literary devices such as figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone to create a specific effect on the reader.
  2. It involves the careful selection of words, sentence structure, and paragraph arrangement to convey meaning and evoke emotions.
  3. Craft also includes elements of storytelling such as plot, character development, pacing, and dialogue.
  4. Good writers use craft to create a unique voice that captures the reader's attention and keeps them engaged throughout the story.


  1. The structure of a written piece refers to the organization and design of the work.
  2. It includes elements such as the introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as the use of headings, subheadings, and paragraph breaks to guide the reader through the content.
  3. Structure also involves the use of transitional phrases and logical sequencing of ideas to create coherence and flow within the work.
  4. Good structure helps to enhance the impact of the writer's craft by ensuring that the message is clear and easy to follow.

Creative Voice and Tone:

  1. The creative voice is the unique style of writing that reflects the writer's personality, background, and experiences.
  2. Tone refers to the writer's attitude towards the subject matter and the audience.
  3. Both creative voice and tone are closely related to the writer's use of craft and structure.
  4. A strong creative voice and tone can make a written piece more engaging, relatable, and memorable.

In conclusion, craft and structure are essential aspects of reading and writing that work together to create an effective written piece. The creative voice and tone play a significant role in enhancing the impact of craft and structure by creating a unique and compelling style.

Dear blog visitors,

As you reach the end of this article, I hope that you have gained a better understanding of what craft and structure in reading entails. It is an essential component of the reading process that helps readers make sense of the text and comprehend it better.

The craft refers to the writer's use of literary devices, such as figurative language, dialogue, imagery, and symbolism, to create a particular effect on the reader. The structure, on the other hand, refers to the organization of the text, including how the story is told, the sequencing of events, and the use of headings, subheadings, and paragraphs. Together, craft and structure provide readers with a roadmap to navigate through the text and understand its underlying meaning.

By paying attention to the craft and structure of a text, readers can delve deeper into the author's intent, analyze the themes and motifs, and connect with the characters on a more profound level. It also enhances critical thinking skills and helps readers become more discerning about the texts they consume.

So, always remember to pay attention to the craft and structure of the texts you read. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but with practice, it will become second nature, and you will start to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the written word.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope it has been informative and insightful.

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When it comes to reading, understanding craft and structure is essential. Here are some common questions people ask about craft and structure in reading:

  1. What is craft in reading?

    • Craft refers to the techniques that authors use to convey meaning through their writing. This can include things like word choice, sentence structure, and literary devices such as metaphors or similes.
  2. What is structure in reading?

    • Structure refers to the way a text is organized, which can impact how readers interpret and understand the content. This can include elements like the order of paragraphs, headings and subheadings, and the overall organization of ideas.
  3. Why is understanding craft and structure important in reading?

    • Understanding craft and structure can help readers analyze and interpret texts more effectively. It can also help readers recognize and appreciate the artistry of writing, as well as identify the author's purpose and message.
  4. How can I improve my understanding of craft and structure in reading?

    • One way to improve your understanding of craft and structure is to read widely and actively. Take note of the techniques and structures used by different authors, and consider how they contribute to the overall meaning of the text. You can also seek out resources such as literary analysis guides or attend workshops or classes on reading and writing.

By developing a deeper understanding of craft and structure in reading, you can become a more engaged and perceptive reader, as well as a more skilled writer yourself.


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